Friday, July 17, 2009

Summer's half over

Yes, it is about midway through summer. Maybe not technically, but about halfway through the "no school" time. Crocodile Dock was fun and challenging. I am thankful for leaders who stepped it up a level when we had more children than was expected and made adjustments as needed. I am thankful for each child that came, their innocence and their willingness to trust. The kids learned about the power of God that leads us to trust. Fear not!

Many of those children are now participating in Fun in the Son on Wednesdays. Again the attendance is higher than last year. I share this with you because each number represents another child/family that is being touched by FBC, relationships are being built, connections are being made, God's love is being shared, seeds of faith are being sown, and leaders are growing.

The planning team for Fun in the Son 2009 included Lynne Baker, Ryan Manning, Pat Monroe, Diane Pfost, Becky Rickerd, & Deb Wilson. We determined to be intentional about involving our young people in leadership this summer. For each week a team of adults & youth plan together and then the responsibility to lead each activity is assigned. At Fun in the Son, youth are giving the instructions and then leading the activities whenever possible. Even though you have done relays all your life it is not easy to get a group of 20-30 energetic, excited, curious children to listen for instructions.

It has been a summer of fun and growth. We are so blessed at FBC to have the prayer support of our church family and the resources to minister to the children in our community in a fun and purposeful way.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Summer Fun

Children look forward to being out of school. But most children look forward to Bible School. Check out our website,, to see what is happening each day of the week, June 15-19. Then visit it during Crocodile Dock week and see photos of the day. Please preregister your child so we can be fully prepared.

Don't forget that Wednesdays, June 24 - August 12, will also be for kids, Fun in the Son, 12 noon - 3:30 p.m. More details on the web. You can even go into the blog archive on this site and view pix and videos from last summer.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Lighthouse Fire Station

This past Sunday the KidzChoir presented a mini-musical, The Lighthouse Fire Station by Celeste Clydesdale. The children did very well so it was an enjoyable experience for all. But even more importantly they learned songs that will stick with them as they grow older.
Fireman Fred (Scott Blakeney) talked about the importance of protecting yourself with the right equipment, the armor of God. I am strong, so strong when I put on the armor of God. I can fight the fight when I put on the armor of God. When the fiery darts of Satan are headed my way. I'll follow Jesus. I'll draw my sword and bravely say....
He advised them to start each day right with prayer. You must get down, you gotta' get down,down on your knees, your knees... and ask the Father, the Father of lights to shine on you...
Fireman Fred emphasized knowing what you believe. I believe in God the Father, I believe in God the Son, I believe in God the Spirit, Trinity the three in one. I believe Christ is my Savior, I believe He's King of kings, I believe He's born of Mary and His life changed everything. I know, I know what I stand for. I know, I know what I believe. God's holy word will always be my light, and I don't want my heart to be deceived.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Easter with children

Eggs, bunnies, chickens, springtime. Easter is a great time with children. But don't forget to teach the real story of Easter. There are a number of tools that will help you do that. Resurrection Eggs can be purchased but you can also make your own. When my girls were young we did that. The following website gives you suggestions for what you put in each plastic egg.

Or tyr this recipe from The Encyclopedia of Bible Crafts for Children, p.118, Group Publishing, Inc. 2002.

Supplies: oven, crescent roll dough, cinnamon, sugar, large marshmallows, melted butter, baking sheet, spatula, wax paper, small plates, napkins

Preparation Place: Put the melted butter and cinnamon sugar in bowls. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Give each child a workspace that has a sheet of wax paper on it. On the wax paper, place one crescent roll unrolled and one large marshmallow.

1. Just like the women went to put spices on Jesus’ body, dip your marshmallow in butter, and then put spices on your marshmallow by rolling it in the cinnamon and sugar mixture.
2. Put your marshmallow on the dough. Roll the dough around the marshmallow and seal it up tight. (Be sure the dough ends are tightly pinched together.) Remember how the guards sealed Jesus’ tomb?
3. Place your roll on the cookie sheet and teacher bake it in a 350 degree oven for 15 to 20 minutes.

After baking the rolls will be puffed up just like they were when you placed them in the oven. When you bite into them, they will be empty inside.

Talk with your children.
What happened to the marshmallow?
How do you think the women felt when they saw the empty tomb?
What would you do if you went to visit Jesus' tomb and he wasn't there?
Imagine their surprise.

Help children celebrate the Risen Savior.