Wednesday, July 23, 2008

American Idol

The story of Moses, Aaron and the Golden Calf was presented by our teenagers via puppets. Some children had molded idols from play-do. At one point, tennis balls were launched by slingshots to knock down idols (old trophies).

The American Idol theme was carried out with lights, stage and action. Children who sang, danced, and improvised in front of the crowd were "critiqued" and scored by 3 qualified judges, Laura Pfost, Kim Rickerd and Ryan Manning. All the kids did a great job, sometimes even with technical difficulties. Emcee Patti Weicht did a great job encouraging and keeping the show moving! The audience was positive and attentive.

Have you made ice cream in a bag? The kids did! As their hands thawed they topped it off with M&Ms.

Puppets were made and another little bag of craft supplies minus instructions became jumper cables, microphones, etc.

Street hockey was the new active game of the week. Others tried to enclose themselves in a bubble. Well, they got to about waist high before the bubble burst.

Diane Pfost was the mastermind behind this day. Thanks, Diane.

We could not have asked for better weather.

What's next Tuesday? NASCAR. Think we will be racing?

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