Thursday, September 11, 2008

New on Wednesday Nights

We have begun DiscipleLand and CLUB 56 for the fall season. There are some new "twists" that we pray will be beneficial longterm.

1. Memory Verses - Children have been encouraged to memorize verses but this year there will be fewer verses. Why? Children do not retain a new verse every week. Repetition will aid retention. So we started with a verse last night that will be repeated each week for the first unit. Then with the new unit a new verse will be added but they will continue to say the former verse. This will continue throughout the year, but the verses they "learn" will stick with them.

2. Bible Reading - Each child is given a bookmark with scripture reading for 5 days of the week. They are encouraged to make a daily habit of reading the Bible. Parents, consider doing this together as a family. Bring the bookmark back next Wednesday.

Why are we emphasizing these habits? I believe it is biblical.
I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.
Psalm 119:11

Why we do UPWARD?

It is time to register for cheerleading and basketball. The season actually begins January 5th and concludes with the Award Night on March 8th. Evaluation nights are Oct. 20, 21 & 23. After that, we will know the total number of players, the preferred division of teams, and the number of coaches needed. Coaches and referees are trained, schedules set, and uniforms and supplies are ordered. It takes a lot of time and many, many volunteers. Why do we do this? Why?

UPWARD is a tool to share Christ with many children and families. It is a vehicle for volunteers to share their faith in a non-threatening environment. Where else does someone that loves Jesus, loves children and loves sports have such an opportunity for ministry? When these all come together ministry takes place in a very exciting way.

UPWARD provides a positive experience for all. The children develop skills without fear of an irate coach, referee or spectator. Everyone gets to play regardless of their skill level with the opportunity for improvement. Coaches and referees share Christ in a very casual manner while establishing a relationship with each child and family. Concession workers provide a service while observing children having a fun time.

UPWARD allows for growth and development. The most obvious is the improved skills of players and cheerleaders. But also is the leadership development that is taking place as our young and more experienced coaches and referees work together. Others have the experience of sharing devotional thoughts or testimonies during halftime. That preparation and experience in itself is growth.

UPWARD forces us to trust God. A ministry of this size is God-size and cannot be done on our own. Prayer partners that fulfill their commitment to pray daily bring the power of God to the human effort.

Why do we do UPWARD? These are some of the benefits I have witnessed. Perhaps you are aware of something else. I look forward to your comments.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


The last Fun in the Son of 2008 is over. Ryan did a great job of planning events for 3 different venues. The children selected a country, created a flag, and marched in the "opening ceremony". Every child receive a "gold medal" at the closing ceremony of the Olympics. Parents, grandparents and siblings came to share the last hour with their children. What a joy to talk with them!

It was also my joy throughout the summer to see our volunteers take hold of this opportunity. Adults and teenagers were excited to help and interact with the children. In addition they did the setup for the day - making lemonade, gathering supplies, filling water balloons, creating boundaries, carrying cones, balls, bubbles, games, pools, water hoses, tables and buckets. Whatever was needed. They also cleaned up - putting equipment back, picking up trash,etc. They were very aware that ministries like Fun in the Son do not just happen but require preparation before and after the actual event. Many hands do make light work and for the willing hands I am very grateful.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Who Is Goliath?

At our last Preschool P.A.L.s the story was David and Goliath. The children acted out the story and had great fun as David and also Goliath. Can you identify "Goliath" in the pictures?

Preschool P.A.L.s was a positive experience for parents and children this summer. Anytime a parent shares Bible stories and plays with their child it is a spiritual matter.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Start the Race with Jesus

Two weeks ago the theme was NASCAR. The children "raced" in many of the games. The devotion was about running the race with Jesus. Ryan explained that the start of the race is inviting Jesus into your heart. The finish is heaven with Jesus.

This week Becky Rickerd explained to the children how you can invite Jesus to be your Savior. She gave them an opportunity to do that and then encouraged them to tell one of the leaders. Later in the day one little girl told Lynne Baker that she wanted to start running the race with Jesus. Lynne shared with her and she invited Jesus to be her Savior. That is why we do Fun in the Son!

Next Tuesday is our last Fun in the Son and the theme is the Olympics. Parents and families are invited to come for refreshments and the water slide at 8:30.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Preschool P.A.L.s

Wednesdays nights is a time for little ones and their parents. This summer we have learned about creation, got in the boat with Noah, and learned that Moses obeyed God when he was near the bush that did not burn. We have played with bubbles, balloons and in water. Only one week left. We will not meet during August but will be prepared for the children to attend DiscipleLand starting September 10.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


26 boys and girls are arriving at 8 A.M. every morning this week. Terry Isham and coaches are encouraging them with games, drills, and scrimmages. The kids are having a great time but they are very, very tired by noon.

Micah 6:8 is the verse we are focusing on this week. Robin and I alternate days with the group and challenge them to follow the instructions of the verse.

Volunteers make this camp possible. Some are taking vacation time to be here. When you see them be sure to ask them about their week: Ron Wilson, Shanna Sommers, Mike Colegrove, Justin Steward, Jason Weaver, Heather Harris, Logan Lindsay, Terry Isham. Our teenagers are increasing their leadership skills as they help and coach.

UPWARD Camp is another way to sow the seed of the gospel and an opportunity for our teenagers and adults to grow as they minister.

Late August the registrations for the 2009 season will be available. March 8, 2009 will be our Awards Night with Robyn Rodgers as our entertainer. She was with us our very first year of UPWARD and some feel was the "best". How many balls did she spin at one time?

American Idol

The story of Moses, Aaron and the Golden Calf was presented by our teenagers via puppets. Some children had molded idols from play-do. At one point, tennis balls were launched by slingshots to knock down idols (old trophies).

The American Idol theme was carried out with lights, stage and action. Children who sang, danced, and improvised in front of the crowd were "critiqued" and scored by 3 qualified judges, Laura Pfost, Kim Rickerd and Ryan Manning. All the kids did a great job, sometimes even with technical difficulties. Emcee Patti Weicht did a great job encouraging and keeping the show moving! The audience was positive and attentive.

Have you made ice cream in a bag? The kids did! As their hands thawed they topped it off with M&Ms.

Puppets were made and another little bag of craft supplies minus instructions became jumper cables, microphones, etc.

Street hockey was the new active game of the week. Others tried to enclose themselves in a bubble. Well, they got to about waist high before the bubble burst.

Diane Pfost was the mastermind behind this day. Thanks, Diane.

We could not have asked for better weather.

What's next Tuesday? NASCAR. Think we will be racing?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

July 15 Fun in the Son

What a fun day! Bubbles, tether ball, sack races, three-legged races, tug-of-war, pingpong ball blow, volleyball, frisbees and that wonderful water slide! We divided into teams and created a team name and poster. Some were really creative! We had plenty of help even with some of our regulars gone on the mission trip. God provides.

The devotional thought reminded us that our actions tell alot about us. The actions of the young boy that shared his lunch with Jesus and the 5,000 told us he was kind, willing to share, thankful and prepared.

What a wonderful way to spend a hot, summer afternoon. With 45 kids! That's living!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Neither the threat of rain or the Eaton County Fair kept the children away from Fun in the Son. More than 50 children came and participated in the carnival. Games were set up throughout the children's wings. The "Cookie Walk" was a big hit! Red Light, Green Light, dodge ball, balloon stomp, parachutes, popcorn and of course the water slide were all enjoyed. And do you know what fun sidewalk chalk can be? Often the simplest thing is what is enjoyed most.
Next Tuesday is a sports theme. Kids should wear shirts or jerseys of teams they have been on or college or professional teams.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Star-Spangled Day

Bikes were everywhere. Sixty children decorated and then rode bikes in a parade. Only a few needed band-aids. I was reminded that many children do not play outdoors much so what we are offering is special to them. Approximately 4 hours in the sun. No video games or television. What fun!

Today they learned about freedom. It is the 4th of July week. John 8:32 reminds us that Jesus can set us free.

Many of the children attending do not attend FBC. I don't know how many attend church anywhere but all are learning that FBC is a place that is fun, where they are safe, and people truly care about them. Pray that God's love will be overflowing in our lives.

Adults and teenagers are helping each week. Some do not have a specific "job" but just roam and connect with kids. That's what Fun in the Son is all about. Building relationships.

And how about the weather? The first two Tuesdays have been beautiful days for Fun in the Son.

Can't wait for next Tuesday! Carnival is the theme.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Fun in the Son - Birthday Party

What a beautiful day God gave us for our first Fun in the Son. 55 children came for an afternoon of fun. Kick ball, soccer, jump ropes, checkers, sidewalk chalk, balloon games, Uno cards, basketball, crafts, parachute games, cupcakes in cones, and a water slide were all part of the day. Check out the pictures and see the Human Birthday Presents that we wrapped. Our scripture verse for the birthday party was Jeremiah 1:5 - "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart."

I am pleased to be a part of a church family that cares about kids in the community. Many of the children that attended are not from FBC, but what a joy to care for them and share Jesus' love.

Next Tuesday will be a Star-Spangled Day in honor of the Fourth of July. Children are welcome to bring their bikes or scooters. We will decorate and have a parade. If they can't bring a bike, that's okay. They are still welcome. And don't forget the swimsuit. We will be on the water slide again and maybe have a "water" surprise!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Power Lab Has Ended

Five days of high energy is over at First Baptist Church. We averaged 175 children at Power Lab. The fifth and sixth grade students went to Michigan Adventure on Friday. The 7th & 8th grade students visited the fairgrounds and launched their rockets. They had been building them all week. Everyone signed a soccer ball that will be sent to the children at the deaf village and Caribbean School for the Deaf in Jamaica. Crews prayed for the children that would receive the balls.

Bible School is a huge investment in time and finances for a church family. Is it worth it? If you really want to know, ask one of the children to tell you about his or her week. Ask the volunteers who had the opportunity to answer a child's question about Jesus or had an opportunity to lead that child to invite Jesus to be their Savior. For me, it is worth every penny and every second spent in preparation and during the week. We sow the seed and God has promised to bless it.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Power to Live Forever

Today was exciting. The children had an opportunity to receive Christ. Several indicated that they did! A mother came and asked if she could come to worship with her 2 boys on Sunday. Yes! Everyone is welcome. It has been an amazing week as we have learned about the power that only comes from Jesus.

And if you are keeping track, there were 185 children at Power Lab today.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Power to Be Brave

Day 3 at Power Lab was exciting as we experienced walking on water. Jesus gave Peter the courage to be brave. In Test Tube Treats the children made Sink or Floats. Most of the children experienced " a boat ride" today. Jesus can give us all the courage to be brave. Yes, our attendance increased today. 181 children! Aha!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Power Lab Day #2

Jesus Gives Us the Power to Help Others! Jesus helped the blind man to see. We can help others too! Today at Power Lab we had 178 children. Wow! Lots of energy. Lots of excitement. Lots of laughter. Lots of caring and sharing.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Power to Be Thankful

169 children visited Power Lab today. The video will give you a glimpse of our day. Our Bible story was about the ten lepers that were healed by Jesus. But only one came back to thank Him. Jesus gives us the POWER TO BE THANKFUL! AHA! Colossians 3:15 reminds us, "Always be thankful!" Wonder what we will learn tomorrow?

Friday, June 13, 2008

Free Parenting Tips

This past January I attended the Children's Pastors Conference in Orlando. Many exhibitors were there and I registered for a lot of "stuff". The next month or so I received numerous e-mails about their product, curriculum, events, etc. While sifting through them I relegated many to junk mail but found some that could be beneficial to our ministry at FBC. Parenting Tips from National Center for Biblical Parenting was one of those. I was receiving two Parenting Tips each week by e-mail and they were GOOD. They are brief tidbits taken from seminars presented or articles written by Dr. Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller, RN, BSN . The Tips are insightful, practical and succinct. It takes no more than 2 minutes to read. The focus is on changing the child's heart, not just the behavior. I have listed the website, not so much for what is on the website, but so you can subscribe to the Parenting Tips. They are free! See if you find them helpful. If not, then it is easy to unsubscribe. The site is

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Summer 2008

Summer provides more leisure time for children than during the school year. That is why at FBC of Charlotte we do not take a "ministry vacation" the months of June, July, and August. Instead, we take advantage of the additional time to interact with children.

Bible School is June 16-20, 8:55 a.m. - 12 noon. We are prepared for children ages 4 - grade 8. Our staff is ready to experience the Power of Jesus with the children at Power Lab. The decorations are stimulating and the activites are energizing. Check for a new posting each day of Bible School so you will know what is happening.

We have 2 new opportunities for summer, 2008. We are not doing the "same old" things.

Fun in the Son is for children in grades 1-6 on Tuesdays, beginning June 24. From 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. children will play, experience Bible stories, have a snack, get wet on a huge water slide and just hangout at FBC. With the cost of gas, this might be the "funnest" thing the children do all summer. And it's FREE! Tuesdays, June 24 - August 12.

Preschool P.A.L.s is for preschoolers and parents on Wednesdays, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. beginning June 25. Yes, the children and parent will do everything together: play, crafts, play, story time, play, music, play. Did I mention that play is the way the child learns best? The leader will structure the experience but the key is the interaction with parent and child. After all, parents are responsible for their child's spiritual development. FBC wants to complement that growth.

We welcome the children of our community to all of our events. Enjoy the summer but don't neglect your child's spiritual growth. We want to assist what you are doing.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Discovery Class

This month I am leading the Discovery Class for 4 children who have been curious about what it means to be a Christian, what is the Lord's Supper and how does it taste, and why are people baptized. FBC of Charlotte offers this class several times each year but this is the first time we have required a parent or guardian to attend with the child. It has been a very positive experience. I have facilitated the class but the families have been experiencing it together. This week the "homework" is to review what it means to be a Christian and asking the child if he or she would like to invite Jesus to be their personal Savior. I am eagerly anticipating what is shared in class this Sunday as a result of their conversations.